Q&A, Wodden Biomeiler, machine translation by deepL, 35 Pages
Q&A, Wodden Biomeiler, machine translation by deepL, 35 Pages
Q&A, 35 pages, 99 questions, about the wodden based Biomeiler.
We ask for your understanding, that we as a small association, do not have the sufficient capacity to perform a professional translation.
1. The construction of Biomeiler is about a 360 degrees consideration
2. Basic information about the Biomeiler
4. What is a Biomeiler "classic" what is a Biomeiler "NP" what is a horse manure Biomeiler?
5. Is the biomass pellet odorless?
6. Why heat from the Biomeiler and not burn the wood?
7. What kind of equipment and materials are needed to use the heat from the biomass pond?
8. We have a multiple use of the raw material, instead of a single incineration
9. What is a Biomeiler (why is the pile not called a wood pile)?
10. How quickly do I get heat from the Biomeiler?
11. What is meant by "low tech"?
12 What is meant by "low cost"?
13 How does the biomass boiler produce heat?
14. What is the temperature produced by the bio pile?
15. What temperature can I use?
16. What temperature arrives at the heater?
17. How should the circulation pump to the bioheater be controlled?
18. What is the easiest way to use the water circuit from the Biomeiler?
19. How do I connect the water circuit from the Biomeiler to my heating system?
20. What do I have to consider when filling the heat exchanger with water?
21. How is the circulation pump from the bio-heater to the heater controlled?
23. How do I combine the bio-heater with a low temperature heating system?
24. How do I combine the bio-heater with a conventional heating system?
25. What if I cannot use water as heat carrier? *
26. How is the air flow of the warm air regulated?
27. How are the experiences with air heating?
28. Does the Biomeiler lose temperature in winter?
29. Does the Biomeiler lose temperature when it rains?
30. Can the Biomeiler be insulated?
31. What size of Biomeiler do I need?
32. How to calculate the volume of the footprint and the volume of the biomass?
33. How long can a Biomeiler generate heat?
34. Must a Biomeiler always be round?
35. Does a Biomeiler always have to have an enclosure?
36. What should I consider when planning an enclosure with insulation?
37. What do I have to consider when installing the pipes/heat exchangers in the Biomeiler?
38. Check the tightness of the heat exchanger pipes.
39. How do you get the heat exchanger tubes out of the bioreactor?
40. Which pipes are suitable as heat exchanger?
41. How to secure the pipe connections?
42. What do I have to pay attention to when filling the heat exchangers?
43. Is it necessary to provide a venting system?
44. Do I need an expansion tank?
45. My heating engineer does not want to take over a guarantee?
46. Do I necessarily need a construction manual?
47. Do I necessarily need a parts list?
48. Does the Biomeiler necessarily need a septic tank?
49. Do I always need heavy equipment, such as a wheel loader?
50. Why are there so many people in the videos?
51. How many helpers are actually needed to build a Biomeiler?
52. What yield can I expect from a Biomeiler in kW/h?
53. Can I reuse the pipes/heat exchangers and tanks from the Biomeiler?
54. What are the costs for the different Biomeiler applications?
55. How must the woody green cuttings, wood chips for the Biomeiler be procured?
57. Is it possible to use stable and horse manure?
58. What should be considered when using stable and horse manure?
59. Can grass clippings also be used?
60. What should be considered when watering?
61. Can effective microorganisms, EM, be used as well?
63. Are compost starters or other additives used?
64. Is it possible to test the quality of soil and compost?
65. Is it possible to test food for its quality?
66. Can plants be tested for nutrient deficiencies before damage occurs?
67. What is compost and what is humus?
68. Do the layers of biomass have to be compacted during the construction?
70. What should be considered in general?
71. When is the best time to install the Biomeiler?
72. What do I do if the Biomeiler does not provide heat anymore?
73. What is meant by "transplantation"?
74. What makes wood compost so valuable?
75. What else can I use the Biomeiler for?
76. How does the Biomeiler make biogas?
77. What does the Biomeiler have to do with biogas?
78. Is the biogas digester always in the biomass digester?
79. How must the substrate be for biogas production in the Biomeiler?
80. Does the biogas container have to be filled with new substrate?
81. What other substrates can be used besides wood compost?
82. How much biogas can I produce?
84. What do I do with the biogas?
85. How can I get a mini biogas plant?
88. Which questions do I have to ask myself if I want to have a Biomeiler?
89. Where do I get the biomass, the woody green cuttings?
90. Why does Native Power care about water treatment?
91. Water treatment in the city network
92. Water withdrawal from public waters
93. Transport of water in the laundry basket
94. Plants for drinking water treatment from public waters.
95. What does a water whirler do?
97. Is there a simple test for water?
98. I want to become a certified Native Power consultant, how do I do that?
99. How do I become a certified Native Power dealer?
The horse manure Biomeiler, a completely different and unique structure.
1. Basic information about the horse manure Biomeiler
3. What is a horse manure Biomeiler?